Sunday, 14 February 2021

My first podcast of 2021 featuring the author Patty Fletcher from Tennessee goes live today

 Patty Fletcher  broke the mould life cast for her numerous times and  made it her goal to share her struggles and successes with the world.   She is the author of three books and the creator/owner of Tell-It-To-The-World Marketing, The Writer's Grapevine Online Magazine, and the creator/host of the Talk to Tell-It-To-The-World Marketing Podcast.


In other words, Patty is an extremely ambitious go-getter, and I am happy to have the opportunity to chat with her in this podcast.


1 comment:

Jane Risdon Author said...

Ursula thanks for hosting Patty, it was a pleasure to hear her voice after so many years. She is inspiring and I do hope your listeners enjoy her chat with you.

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