Wednesday, 23 September 2020

My interview with the artist Géraldine Le Leannec

As the days shorten and the veil between the worlds grows thin, the wheel of the year begins its final spin. When the Autumn winds blow with all their might, we draw closer at the fireside, letting our dreams travel far and wide. Discover the realm of the Dryad Queen and dwell in a world of magic that no eyes have ever seen.

Some of us can go on such journeys with no trouble at all for others; these worlds lay hidden behind an imaginary wall. But there is  help  to break through  and my guest today will show you a world that lies within. So let me introduce you to a good friend of mine who will take you through different dimension space and time.

5©Artwork by G2L - Géraldine Le Leannec -Digital Art

Hi Géraldine, I am so excited to have you on my blog today to tell us about your yourself and your beautiful Art.  I love and admire your creativity, your skills and magical ability to bring scenes out of your imagination onto the canvas. So, without further a due, let us get right to it.  
 1. Where do you live?  I'm a French national who lives in Grenada a small island in the Caribbean, since 2007.

 2. Can you describe a typical day of your life for us? My typical day would be to wake up, read and have my coffee, write down my dreams of the night, go for a walk with my dog, give carrots to my neighbour's sheep and then start whatever tasks I planned or didn't plan for the day. I spend a lot of time on my computer, creating visuals with my favourites software, working on photography. Create simulation for my clients, researching Art, references, philosophy, dreams. I also spend time in my workshop where I put my hands at work either for my Art and decoration business, either for my personal projects.

3. Where do you work, out in the open, or a studio?

"Open your eyes"-©Artwork by G2L

 I work at home, when I'm on my computer, my workshop is at home too, so not too much  movement. I work from time to time on site if I have commissions that require to be on the spot.   I'm a big thinker and observer, so wherever I go, my mind is working  on actual or future projects.   Nature is one of my most significant sources of inspiration  and amazement.  


 4. When did you discover your talent?  Did you start to create right away?       I don't like to say that I have talent; my definition would be a conjunction of interests and abilities with a dose of passion and perseverance. I always created as far as I can remember, but I spent some time (6 years in Art school) to learn the bases of visual Art. My interests are consistent and have been evolving trough my all life. I do Photography,  Sculpture,   Painting,   Digital Art and Experimentations. My process of  creation much depends on the medium I use, if it's photography, I don't plan in advance and like the spontaneity of the moment. For Sculpture and painting, I usually have  references, drawing and plans that I can follow, to avoid mistakes that will take time to recover. When creating Digital Art, my mind is entirely free of constraint, this medium is so versatile, and it's very easy to go back and correct something that came out wrong. I usually drift with the mood and colours, associations of ideas. I like to be surprised by not knowing where I'm going. It's like travelling in my imagination.                                                                                                                                          
Nucléaire ©Artwork by G2L - Géraldine Le Leannec -Digital Art

 Ropes©Artwork by G2L       


5. What are your favourite scenes and medium? My favourites scenes are the borderlines ones, in between reality and fantasy. I'm a big dreamer by night and also by day, I live consistently in my imagination, and try that my body (my hands) exorcise these worlds so that they belong to the physical world.   All the medium are excellent for me. I don't discriminate between any one of them. I can't say if I have a favourite, but there is still so much to discover.

  6. Where can we buy your Art?  My Art is available through my Facebook account or by contacting me personally. I'm not much of social media freak, and it is sometimes hard to keep up with the actual commercial side of Art production.

3©Artwork by G2L - Géraldine Le Leannec -Digital Art

 7.  What are your plans for the future?  With the Covid-19 my plans are a little bit blurry, as most of   the population, I suppose. I have a project that I'm currently working on that will take theformoa book,with textsan illustrations.         

 8.  Could you imagine creating book covers?  Yes, I would love to, especially Science Fiction or Fantasy, illustrations. I also really would like to participate in music album covers and video clip creation.

9. Do you have a website or profiles on social media and can you be contacted by email ?

I have a Facebook page:

my email address is :      G2L-LTD@LIVE.FR

10. Do you have any advice for your young fellow artist?      

It's a bit cliché, but I would say follow your dreams, listen to your guts, and put your hands and brain to work. 
Well, Géraldine, thank you for letting us take a look into your life, I hope you will continue to follow your dreams and keep your hands hard at work so that you can share more of your beautiful creations with us.



Jay Williams said...

Talented people ��

Ursula Williams said...

They truly are and soon you will be able to meet more interesting people from the music scene, writers and designers in my podcast. So stay tuned for more

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